IAA-CSIC Severo Ochoa SKA Open Science School

The SKA and its Regional Centres, Open Science perspective - Philippa Hartley

Introductory talk: Why Open Science? - Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro

The SRC Science Platform vision. The ESCAPE O.S. platform - John Swinbank

Opening - Isabel Márquez, Isabel Díaz y Nacho Blanquer

Panel discussion

My reproducible PhD thesis with Maneage - Sepideh Eskandarlou

Open source package managers and Containers (Part II) - Manuel Parra

Career Assessment Matrix in Norway and how to adapt your CV to OS practices - Alexander Refsum

Reproducibility in the SKA Challenges and reproducible paper - Javier Moldón

European Open Policies overview and beyond Open Science - Eva Méndez

Reproducible data science - Rachael Ainsworth

Open source package managers and Containers (Part I) - Manuel Parra

How to create your own citizen science project - Stephen Serjeant

African perspective in Open Science - Mattia Vaccari

The Virtual Observatory - Jesús Salgado

Licences - Pablo García

Maneage (MANaging data linEAGE) - Mohammad Akhlaghi

Software Heritage - Roberto Di Cosmo

How to include Binder in your workflow to share your results - Manuel Parra

Open Science for sustainability and inclusiveness: the SKA role model (Science Digital @ UNGA 75)

Dr. Alessandro Marconi: The HIRES/ELT consortium, instrument and science

Dra. Carolina Kehrig - Nebular HeII emission from spatially resolved metal poor starforming galaxies

Dr. Sergio Martín Ruiz - Molecular spectroscopy at high resolution for everyone